Inundação – Acto ou efeito de inundar ou inundar-se; cheia; alagamento.
Cheia - aumento do caudal de um rio para além do seu valor normal; inundação.
”... a flood refers to an excess accumulation of water across a land surface: an event whereby water rises or flows over land not normally submerged.”(Kovats, 2004)
”A flood is a relatively high flow which overtaxes the natural channel provided for the runoff.” (Chow,1956)
”A flood is any high stream flow which overtops natural or artificial bancks of a stream.”(Rostvedt et al., 1968)
”A flood is a body of water which rises to overflow land which is not normally submerged.”(Ward, 1978)
Cheia - aumento do caudal de um rio para além do seu valor normal; inundação.
”... a flood refers to an excess accumulation of water across a land surface: an event whereby water rises or flows over land not normally submerged.”(Kovats, 2004)
”A flood is a relatively high flow which overtaxes the natural channel provided for the runoff.” (Chow,1956)
”A flood is any high stream flow which overtops natural or artificial bancks of a stream.”(Rostvedt et al., 1968)
”A flood is a body of water which rises to overflow land which is not normally submerged.”(Ward, 1978)
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